the sliding barrel
As you swing the bat, the floating barrel naturally slides to the end of the bat.

Resistance bands
The sliding barrel has 8 resistance bands which resist the motion of the barrel. The more bands you add, the harder it is to get the barrel to slide.

the double click
Getting the double click means you had proper swing mechanics and high enough bat speed to overcome the resistance and get the barrel to slide all the way to the end of the bat.

The single click
If you don’t have high bat speed or have flaws in your mechanics, you wont be able to generate enough power to get the barrel to slide all the way down the shaft, and you’ll only get a single click.

hit live pitching
The ProVelocity Bat is one of the only batting trainers that can be used in every setting including live pitching. In order to hit the ball you need to get the barrel to slide down the shaft on time.

lengthen click time
As you increase your bat speed, keep increasing the time between clicks. This indicates you had high bat speed early in your swing and you maintained it all the way through.